#!/bin/bash # By Linc 10/1/2004 # Find the latest script at http://lincgeek.org/bashpodder # Revision 1.21 12/04/2008 - Many Contributers! # If you use this and have made improvements or have comments # drop me an email at linc dot fessenden at gmail dot com # and post your changes to the forum at http://lincgeek.org/lincware # I'd appreciate it! # Changes by Rev. Fr. Robert Bower April 29, 2021 # Added a option to skip download but add to logfile # to be used when you are using bash podder with a podcast where you don't want to download all past episodes # use the nd after bashpodder as an argument and the podcasts will be added to the logfile but not actually downloaded. # remove from the logfile any episodes you want to download and rerun bashpodder without the nd argument. # Make script crontab friendly: cd $(dirname $0) # datadir is the directory you want podcasts saved to: datadir=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) # create datadir if necessary: mkdir -p $datadir # Delete any temp file: rm -f temp.log # Read the bp.conf file and wget any url not already in the podcast.log file: while read podcast do file=$(xsltproc parse_enclosure.xsl $podcast 2> /dev/null || wget -q $podcast -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \" | sed -n 's/.*url="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p') for url in $file do echo $url >> temp.log if [[ $1 != "nd" ]] then if ! grep "$url" podcast.log > /dev/null then wget -t 10 -U BashPodder -c -q -O $datadir/$(echo "$url" | awk -F'/' {'print $NF'} | awk -F'=' {'print $NF'} | awk -F'?' {'print $1'}) "$url" fi fi done done < bp.conf # Move dynamically created log file to permanent log file: cat podcast.log >> temp.log sort temp.log | uniq > podcast.log rm temp.log # Create an m3u playlist: ls $datadir | grep -v m3u > $datadir/podcast.m3u