Forked from Lace is a small script to interlace Gemini Capsule micro blogs. Enhancements made to the original lace with this fork. The original lace would not run on Linux distributions running sed 3.7 or on Termux on Android. Lace can now run on either a standard Linux distributions running sed 3.7, Termux on android, and UserLAnd on Android. Sed, date, openssl, curl, less are dependencies that need to be installed. The original script showed how long ago a entry was posted. Lace now shows how long ago a post occurred and the date and time of the post. ### Favicons Lace may show the actual code for a favicon rather than the icon itself depending on the version of GNU less and/or fonts installed. If this happens you can either install a font that supports the favicon or comment out the following line in the script. ``` fav=$(openssl s_client -crlf -quiet -connect "$domain:1965" <<<"gemini://$domain/favicon.txt" 2>/dev/null | sed -e '1d') ``` Since favicons are not part of the Gemini standard, you may not want favicons to display. Commenting out the above line of code will prevent favicons from displaying. ### Updates 2021-04-27 I added a timeout variable in that is used with the timeout command to timeout connecting after a designated time to an unresponsive server. If the value for the variable is a number it is in seconds if it is a number followed by a m then it is in minutes. ## Things to Do Currently the script checks the server for a favicon and the actual blog page, so it connects to a server twice. Currently, the script will check even an unresponsive server twice. I need to add the logic that if the server times out on the first connect to skip the second connect. ### Post about original script.