#!/usr/bin/env bash # forked from https://gitlab.com/uoou/dotfiles/-/tree/master/stow/bin/home/drew/.local/bin/lace # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frrobert2/lace/main/lace # Shows both how many days ago and date # Modified to work with Debian running Sed 3.7 # if [ -z "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" ];then config_place="$HOME/.config/lace" else config_place="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/lace" fi [[ ! -d "$config_place" ]] && mkdir -p $config_place subsfile="$config_place/subs" red="[31m" blue="[34m" nc="[m" esc=$(echo -e "\033") tmp_place='~/tmp' [[ ! -d "$tmp_place" ]] && mkdir -p $tmp_place tmpfile=$(mktemp ~/tmp/lace.XXXXXX) tmpfile2=$(mktemp ~/tmp/lace.XXXXXX) function reldate() { # stolen from https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/451216 local SEC_PER_MINUTE=$((60)) local SEC_PER_HOUR=$((60*60)) local SEC_PER_DAY=$((60*60*24)) local SEC_PER_MONTH=$((60*60*24*30)) local SEC_PER_YEAR=$((60*60*24*365)) local last_unix="$(date --date="@$1" +%s)" # convert date to unix timestamp local now_unix="$2" local delta_s=$(( now_unix - last_unix )) if (( delta_s < SEC_PER_MINUTE * 2)) then echo ""$((delta_s))" seconds ago" elif (( delta_s < SEC_PER_HOUR * 2)) then echo ""$((delta_s / SEC_PER_MINUTE))" minutes ago" elif (( delta_s < SEC_PER_DAY * 2)) then echo ""$((delta_s / SEC_PER_HOUR))" hours ago" elif (( delta_s < SEC_PER_MONTH * 2)) then echo ""$((delta_s / SEC_PER_DAY))" days ago" elif (( delta_s < SEC_PER_YEAR * 2)) then echo ""$((delta_s / SEC_PER_MONTH))" months ago" else echo ""$((delta_s / SEC_PER_YEAR))" years ago" fi } #export -f reldate function dohelp() { echo -e "\nUsage:\n" echo -e "\t$(basename "$0") - read subscriptions\n" echo -e "\t$(basename "$0") nope - read subscriptions without pager\n" echo -e "\t$(basename "$0") subs - list subscriptions\n" echo -e "\t$(basename "$0") sub nickname url - add subscription, e.g.:" echo -e "\t$(basename "$0") sub Drew gemini://friendo.monster/tiny.gmi\n" echo -e "\t$(basename "$0") unsub nickname - remove subscription, e.g.:" echo -e "\t$(basename "$0") unsub Drew\n" echo -e "\t$(basename "$0") update - redownload script to location of current script (might need sudo, depending on location)\n" exit } function timeline() { while read f;do local user=$(awk '{print $2}' <<< "$f") local url=$(awk '{print $1}' <<< "$f") if [[ "$url" != *://* ]];then domain="$url" url="gemini://$url" else domain=$(sed 's/gemini:\/\///' <<< "$url") fi if [[ "$url" != *.*/*.* ]] && [[ $url != */ ]];then url="$url/" fi domain=$(sed 's/\/.*$//' <<< "$domain") fav=$(openssl s_client -crlf -quiet -connect "$domain:1965" <<<"gemini://$domain/favicon.txt" 2>/dev/null | sed -e '1d') if [ ! -z "$fav" ];then user="$fav $user" fi openssl s_client -crlf -quiet -connect "$domain:1965" <<<"$url" 2>/dev/null | sed -e '1d' | sed -n '/##/,$p' | sed -e "s/^\(## .*\)$/\1\n${esc}$red$user${esc}$nc ($domain)/g" >> $tmpfile [[ ! -z $(sed -n '$p' $tmpfile) ]] && echo "" >> $tmpfile done <"$subsfile" cat $tmpfile | sed -r ':r;/(^|\n)$/!{$!{N;br}};s/\n/\v/g' | sed -rn '/^## .*/p' | sed -e 's/\v/\n/g' | sed -e "s/^## \(.*\)/date -d '\1' +%s/e" | sed -r ':r;/(^|\n)$/!{$!{N;br}};s/\n/\v/g' | sort -r | sed -e 's/\v/\n/g' > $tmpfile # removed segment of code | sed "s/^\([0-9]\+\)$/{reldate \1 $now_unix;}/e" | sed "s/^\([0-9]* [a-z]* ago\)$/${esc}$blue\1${esc}$nc/g" while read line; do if [[ "$line" =~ ^[0-9]{10,}$ ]]; then reldate "$line" "$(date +%s)" >> $tmpfile2 echo "$(date -d @$line)" >> $tmpfile2 else echo "$line" >> $tmpfile2 fi done<$tmpfile cat $tmpfile2 | sed "s/^\([0-9]* [a-z]* ago\)$/${esc}$blue\1${esc}$nc/g" >$tmpfile if [[ "$1" == "nope" ]];then cat $tmpfile && rm -f $tmpfile $tmpfile2 else less -RisW $tmpfile && rm -f $tmpfile $tmpfile2 fi } if [[ "$1" == "help" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--help" ]] || [[ "$1" == "-help" ]] || [[ "$1" == "-h" ]];then dohelp elif [[ "$1" == "sub" ]];then [[ "$#" -ne 3 ]] && dohelp echo "$3 $2" >> $subsfile && echo "added $2 to subscriptions" elif [[ "$1" == "unsub" ]];then [[ "$#" -ne 2 ]] && dohelp if grep " $2$" $subsfile 1>/dev/null;then sed -i "/ $2$/d" $subsfile && echo "removed subscription to $2" else echo "subscription \"$2\" does not exist" fi elif [[ "$1" == "subs" ]];then awk '{print $2" ("$1")"}' $subsfile elif [[ "$1" == "update" ]];then curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frrobert2/lace/main/lacewithtermux > "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" else now_unix="$(date +'%s')" if [[ "$1" == "nope" ]];then timeline nope else timeline fi fi